These bags are great for a few diapers and a travel size wipes container. They are very roomy and you can even fit a small changing pad and diaper cream in there too! My baby is in a size 2 diaper and I am able to fit 3 or 4, a small wipes pack and ducky roll of diaper trash bags. These will easily change go with you in whatever bag or if you don't want to carry a bag they fit perfectly in the car or stroller.
Closure} The closure is made with a snap. That means no more velcro sticking to other things in your bag or running out of stick!
Size} They are 10" long when closed and 14" long when open, 7" wide.
Opening} There is also a ribbon loop that will be added to the flap for easy opening. The closure is made with a snap for easy open. No Velcro snagging on the diapers or items in your bag!
Material} Made out of one of my designer cotton. In the Esty listing you choose the inside and outside fabrics.
Purchase} Design your own in our Etsy Shop!
Purchase} Design your own in our Etsy Shop!